Friday, January 7, 2011

Coupons, coupons and more coupons!

I am ready to start 2011 with a bang!  The Extreme Couponers show on TLC over the holidays aired at the perfect time.  I watched and did not think they were crazy.  I was inspired to start a new year saving money.  :) 

If you are just starting, make sure you get the Sunday paper every week.  Keep the inserts from the paper whole (don't cut the coupons out!) and put them in a binder.  I use sheet protectors to divide mine by date.  Then start following,, and to start saving money!  They do all of the hard work for us.

I will be teaching another couponing workshop in February.  It will either be at the Botanical Gardens or the American Federation of Teacher's office in Homewood.  While the class is sponsored by AFT, you do not have to be a member, or even teacher, to come!  I'll let you know when a date is set.

I am going to try really hard to keep up with my receipts and track my savings this year.  So far I have had a great Publix trip and I picked up my weekly free bag of stuff from CVS.  :)  What have you done?

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